
ENCANN sp. z o. o.
Nowy Swiat 33/13, Warsaw 00-029
NIP 8442366400

Open 9:00 am - 4:00 pm on weekdays

mBank PLN: 63 1140 2004 0000 3802 7889 3819
mBank EUR: PL25 1140 2004 0000 3012 0836 6355

Wholesale cooperation

We offer an attractive offer aimed at entrepreneurs. We cooperate with wholesalers, stores, herbalists and other retail outlets in Poland and Europe. Those interested can also join our affiliate program, which allows you to generate income without any investment. Feel free to contact us at

Do you have questions?
Contact us

Our team is always ready to help and will be happy to answer any questions. Write a message and we will respond to the email address you provide as soon as possible.