Encann CBD set 3×10 ml
€ 93,64
389.00 PLN/ 1 item.
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The regenerative oil set includes wide spectrum of natural compounds occurring in Cannabis Sativa L.-seed hemp. Among other things, terpenes, cannabinoids and beneficial fatty acids. It does not contain THC. Laboratory-confirmed CBD content.
Application: Apply an appropriate amount of the product topically 1-2 per day on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Apply as needed. Use a maximum of twice a day, not more than 0.5 g of product per day.
One press of the pump dispenses a drop of 0.05 ml in which, depending on the concentration, there are successively approx. 2.5 mg, 5 mg, and 7.5 mg of CBD. The total number of drops in a 10 ml bottle is equal to 200.
All ingredients used in the production of the oil are of all-natural origin, while each batch tested at the production stage. ENCANN products are packaged in bottles made of dark glass, which does not react with the oil inside. With the help of a convenient dispenser, you can accurately measure the amount of drops. We recommend storing ENCANN oil in a cool and dark place or in the refrigerator. On the box you will find information in Polish and English.
Information current for products marketed after 02/06/2020. - 0A series or later. CPNP reference number: 3353805 (ENCANN Blue); 3353825 (ENCANN Purple); 3353829 (ENCANN Gold). Cosmetic products-oils intended for regeneration of oral mucous membranes (topical). Application information based on Product Safety Report No. 2/2020/ENCANN; 3/2020/ENCANN and 4/2020/ENCANN dated 28/05/2020.
Ingredients: Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil, Cannabidiol, Mixed Terpenes.
The oil was produced in a plant that meets standards ISO 9001, Hazard analysis and critical control points (HAACP) and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).
The ingredients used in our oil are w 100% natural products processed in conditions of rigorous and stringent control.
When you point your smartphone's enabled camera at our unique QR code, you will be shown the following certificates for the batch manufacturing including: certified for CBD and THC content; certificate for presence of terpenes and a laboratory test to confirm no harmful substances In the product.
All certificates were made in external, independent laboratory specializing in hemp product research.
This way you get 100% certainty As to the quality of our products.
✓ Certified for CBD content
✓ Certified for terpene content
✓ Certified to be free of heavy metals